Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

30 October 2009

~You BeLoNG WiTh Me~

You're on the phone
With your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about
Something that you said
She doesn't get your humor
Like I do

I'm in my room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music
She doesn't like
She'll never know your story
Like I do

But she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
You belong with me

Walking the streets
With you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking
This is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench
Thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey what chu doing
With a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
Standing by and
Waiting at your back-door
All this time
How could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh, I remember
You driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see
That I'm the one
Who understands
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me.

Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me

i like dis song...layanzzzz

mood? study? tenet? tdo?

lmenye rs x jenguk2 kt cni...
bukannye ckit...
bz pe la kot..
mggu ni kn dh start study week...
study sgt la...
awal2 mggu dh blk kg..
rndu sume2 yg de kt cna...
27.10 br blk ke TM...

aduh...blk je dh kne ngadap buku...
my 1st paper mle 3.11 n last 18.11..lamenye..
mood study x de g la...
cm ne ni...
wake up la nurul!!!
pointer mau jg...
aduh..pening aku....

kemana hilangnyer mood study aku?????
sem2 sblm ni aku n my group study kt library..
but dis year??? x de pegi pn..
npe?mls la kot...2 sbb x de mood nk study....
sape2 de ubt tok nk hilang malas x?
hehehe....jwpn die...........tlg jawabkan....

da big problem sgt2...tenet....
uiyo..mmg godaan gle lah...
aku mmg x thn klu dok tgk laptop ni tertutup je..
msti tgn ni gtl nk bkk..
nk tgk FB la, tagged la...citer korea la...
sume2 time ni la nk tgk...
pas 2, bku letak ne 2???

satu g, klu bkn tenet, tdo... 2...tdo diwaktu2 ngah dah bosan study..
dpt tdo 1 nikmat..
pas 2 ing tdo siang, mlm tdo lewat la..
padahal same je ngantuk nyer...
ubtnye, siang kne minum x tdo mlm..

klu pegi library.......
1. mood akan dtg dgn sendrinye sbb envrmnt die kot...
2. study ngan khusyuknyer...coz sume org kt c2 cm kasi smgt skit..
3. tenet? tenet x de la...sbb laptop x bw..hihi..
4. ne nk tdo?kn lam library...lg pn x nmpk katil &, perasaan nk tdo 2 akan skit ilang...

so, conclusion nye...gua pk la snri...huhu
pndi wat soalan..pndi lak menjawab...
adakah aku akan mengikut jawapan itu?hahaha...
wait n c my result dis sem....huhu..
p/s: 4 my frenz, mieja, ida, muniey, ira, remy n sume2 kwn ku....GOOD LUCK 4 da da best...

19 October 2009

ketenangan jiwa...

ya allah...
aku mohon padamu..
berikanlan ketenangan dlm jiwaku...
jika ada salah yang ku lakukan..
aku mohon pada mu ya Allah
ampunkanlah dosa ku..

aku sgt perlukan ketenangan..
jiwaku rs kosong...
aku x mampu nk melakukan apa-apa..
ada sesutu yang bermain difikiranku...
apakah ia?
hanya Allah yang tahu...

ku akan lebih dekatkan diriku denganMu..
aku tahu..hanya itu jalan terbaik..

13 October 2009

RaPaTKaN JuRaNG...

di alam yang serba canggih ni..banyak sgt kemudahan utk kita berhubung..ehe..ayat cam artikel jew..x de la..kt cni cme nk citer...kt alam siber ni mcm2 sosial web yg de..tuk kte rapatkan jurang sesama manusia...tapi rmi jugak yg salah gunakan..guna utk menipu la..n tah pa pe lg la..
di antara social web yg aku tau la adalah :


yg len2 korg leh cr senri...aku tau yg 2 je coz aku ade...ehehe

selain itu, untuk mempercepatkan manusia berhubung antara 1 sama lain, kta ada..
*handfon (tekan no..n tut...tut..tut..)
*YM ( mskkn paswrd)

dan skrng ni menjadi kegilaan ramai org...ader blog seniri..skrang ker?rs nye dh lme org wat blog ni..cme br2 ni jer mendapat sambutan yang hangt..hehehe...bkn nyer blog ni bebas ckit rs nyer nk letak pa per kt blog kte...ckp pon leh pnjg lebar..hmmm..1 ni buatkn kte rs lebih dekat ngan tuan empunya blog 2 kn..yer x?ye ye oo je lebey..heheh

dah la..x nak ckp bnyk..kt bawah ni..aku sajikn tuk tatapan korg...

ni la first yg ku ader..friendster...bnyk sgt bantu aku nk cr kawan2 lama..bnyk gak yg jumpe...

oleh sbb masih rmi aku x jmpe kawan2 yg ku cr..aku wat la myspace lak...

facebook....aku wat sbb nk tgk diorg rmi yg de facebook ni..

hahaha...stakat ni aku gle tagged..pntg bkk perkara pertama yg aku bkk... klu x kenal lg x tau la..tekan tok tit tol tit...dah leh hello..

YM... story morry..sad..happy...n anythg bout my life....


ku belai setiap hari..
ku bagi minuman dan makanan..
ku jga ia dengan penuh kasih sayang..
akan ku cantas jika de bende yg menghalang utk ia terus membesar..
pendek kata..aku syg dia lah...
tp..terjadi kejadian yg tidak ku ingini...
aku tinggalknnya selama seminggu sebab nk blk raya..
oleh sebab itu, dia merajuk..
die dh x nk hidup..die dh x ksh spe pn kcu hdp die..
sbb dh x de spe nk jg die..
cian die..hhmmm...ape blh buat..
bkn aku x aku nk RAYA!!..
sory yer wahai aMaRaNTH ViRiDiS...
apakah ia?
ia adalah bayam hijau yg ku tanam...ehehe...

sedih gak la..
dh elok2 jg..
tetibe cuti..
pttnye harvest cm kecik g..
last2 seminggu pas rya dtg..dh tggi gle..besar..
cm ne nk jual nih???mampus...
bnyk sgt kne buang..sbb dh bnyk kne mkn ngan ulat..
cian kn?
x pe la..x de rzki...

korg tgk la pokok kesygn ku ni..dr mggu kedua smpi die besar...uhuk..

minggu ke-2

minggu ke-3

minggu ke-4..(cantik kn?)

minggu ke-5 (patutnye time ni la dh harvest)

ni la pokok besar..yg kmi amik mggu ke 7...

ha...kt cni..nk wish thanx kpd sesiapa yg sudi beli bayam nih...

*kakitangan Pusat Kesihatan..

thanx benbyk yer..abih gak syr ktorg jual..eheh..

12 October 2009

MaKan Angin!

last day..dok syok aku menaip n3 cinta..
tetibe jer otak berfikir n kaki mengedix nk g jalan2...
then, tnye diorg...

aku : korang nk g jln2 x?kte g s.alam nk?
diorang : nk g wat per?
aku : aku busan la..asyk terperap kt umh jer..
diorang : ok gak..
aku : ok set, pas magrb..

kul 7 lebey aku dh pn siap...haha..
1 kejutan utk diorg...
coz aku ni mmg yg jenis lmbt sgt siap..
slalu jd org yg terakhir..
aku pn pelik npe...bkn nye makeup pn...
tp still lambat..
but, tuk kali ni aku berjya jd yg1st ok..
aku menang...hahaha..(br skali dh belagak) eheh..

kul 8, kmi gerak ke destinasi yg nk dituju...
ida yg drive..coz mata aku mlm mmg out of service..hehe
aku jd co pilot je kt sebelah...

sampi nye di shah alam..
konon nye pndi sgt la tunjuk jln..
dgn bangga nyer berkata..
'ala..ang ikut jer aku..aku ingt jln nyer..'
'aku kn slalu dtg, dh blh ingt dh..ikut aku je..' yg terjd akhirnya?
pusing la bpe roundboard yg de kt s.alam 2..
pas 1, 1 aku salah...
x tau la npe..mayb mlm kot..aku dh x kenal jalan..
hahaha..alasan sume 2..
padahal mmg x ingt..wat pala je lebey..
last2 ida pun berkata..
'k.yong ang percaya la ckp aku tuk kali ni..ikut aku lak..'
jd, co pilot ini hanya diam mengikut jln..
kang ckp lg mesti salah...

hmmm....lme gak la dok round kt s.alam..
cr jln x jmpe..
mmg makin angin lah..
last mkn KFC jer...
jauh2 g s.alam mkn KFC jer?
tnjg malim pn der..ish2..
x pe la...time 2 KFC je yg de depan mata..
mmg menyedih kn..cian c makcik yg kelaparan kt blakang..
so..singgah la kt KFC...
pe tggu lgi..KITA MAKAN DULU!...

jam menunjukkan mlm masih muda..
hehe..muda sgt bila mngingatkan iklan dlm radio..
'pada saat ini, dimanakah anak anda berada'...
rs nye bek blk..hehe
ktorg pn dh letih..
so, kmi ber4 pn pulang la ke tnjg malim...
alhamdulillah, akhirnya kul 2 pgi..kmi slamat sampai...

10 October 2009


hari ni tetibe nk berbicara sal cinta..ehe..
CINTA, LOVE, AMOR n so on..
mcm2 pengertian cinta ni kn..
luv is bla bla...
cinta itu bla bla...
tapi bg aku cinta 2 mcm mkn cili...
wlu teras pedas..makin nikmatkn rsnye...
2 bg aku laa........

aku x la pndi sgt dlm bab2 cinta ni...
just bleh ckp pe yg aku rs je...
n nk kongsi ckit tip ngan korg..
tah betul ke idak.. far..sukses...hehe

hmm... mcm aku, klu dh syg sorg 2...
dh x pndi nk syg org len lg..errkkk?yer ke?
yupz..of coz la..only my MNN....
tp stakat suke tgk org len 2...small matter rite?ehe..

keikhlasan..kejujuran n kerpercayaan
sgt la pntg lam cintan cintun ni..
dlm persahabtan pn sme gak...
kepercayaan 2 sgt penting..
coz, ble kte wat pa per, x de curiga...
so, masalah x la bnyak...
but, remmbr..dun put 100% 4 ur partnr..
bkn nyer pe..simpan la skit utk dri snri..

terima psngan seadanya...
jgn la banding kn psgan kte 2 dgn org len..
mmg skit ati n geram kn?
dia 2 mcm 2.....
dia ni mcm ni.....
die 2 baik lah pe lah...ader 2 ini la...
msti bengang gle..
so, klu x nk gaduh slalu, jgn wat cm ni tau!

lagi per yer?
urrmmmm....ha..jgn kuat jelez...
mmg la org dok ckp cmbru 2 tandanya syg..
tp syg pe nyer smpikn cmbru 2 leh rosakkan hbgn..
2 nme nye cmbru buta..
urmm..yer ker buta?cmbru mne de mata?
org 2 la kot
actually x salah jelez ni..
tp tgk tmpt la kn...

(pesanan penaja)
cintai diri snri dlu, br cintakan org len...
tp harus diingat...
cinta untuk Allah, nabi, & ibu bapa
adalah cinta hakiki...

tu je yg dpt aku citer...
mcm dh bnyk aku berceloteh..
nanti kang panjang2, melalut tah kemana...

....'Cinta letaknya di hati, meskipun tersembunyi, namun getarannya jelas sekali. Ia mampu mempengaruhi fikiran sekaligus mengendalikan tindakan kita sehingga kadangkala kita melakukan hal yang bodoh tanpa kita sedari'......

09 October 2009

LoVe StoRy...

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashbacks start
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello
Little did I know

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, please don't go
And I said

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes

So, I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Oh oh

Cause you were Romeo, I was the scarlet letter
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
But you were my everything to me
I was begging you, please don't go
And I said

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes

Romeo, save me
They try to tell me how I feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Oh oh

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said

Romeo, save me
I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head
I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said

Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad
Go pick out a white dress
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes

Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

'Cause we were both young when I first saw you

08 October 2009

langkah bendul...

090909...cantikkn tarikh ni?
my feveret no....
kononnye target nk kawen date ni la.. kn bln pose..ehehe...2 berangan jer..
ape nk jd, ape nk jd..smpi skrg x kawen lg...(lagu sm salim)
kne ke lagu 2 ngan aku?hehe..x kot..awl 25..
adik aku dh 2 org pn kawen...cept tul jodh diorg..
pas 2 org mle la dok cbuk tnye kakak die ble lagi...
hmmm..dh x tau nk jwb cm ne soklan cepumas 2..
bkn x nk kawen, mse lum sesuai..
bnyk lgi bnde yg aku nk capai lam hidup...
insyaAllah..dh smpi jdh, aku kawen...
doa2kn la yer...

anas & yani

ct & aaa n my fmly...

tik tok tik tok...sgt pantas...

25 september my besday...i'm 25 already....huh...still young rite? thanks 4 da wish my frenz...bkn aku sje yg smbt besday dat kazen n arwah pak ndak..klu nk d ikut ramai yg smbt besday bln septmbr ni..mesti meriah klu digabungkn majisnyer kn..hmmm..

sabtu 26/09 my kazen wedding, mlm 2 die belikn kek besday utk aku n ayah die, coz besday kmi sme..kre lewat la ptg kek..aku pn sme2 la ptg kek ngan pak ndak n iman(my kazen)..mmg best, coz time 2 sume sedara ader..thanks june n hajar 4 da kek..

jumaat 2/10 - 8 mlm, aku br smpi klas...mak aku kol, die ckp bnyk2 sabar...aku dh berdebar, mak aku ckp 'pak ndak dh x dk'...ya Allah mmg terkejut sgt2...mcm x percaya pn je sabtu ri 2 jmpe die, ptg kek cm terlalu cpt sgt sume ni berlaku..Tuhan lebih syg kn

kt cni gak nk wish thanks to my roomate mieja n ida coz wat suprise kek tuk aku n nani(makcik)..besday makcik 26/09, selang sehari kmi 2 clbrate bsdy skali la..thanks sgt..thn ni aku aku de 2 besdy kek...ehe...

06 October 2009


whats going on?
ri ni merupkan hr yg aku rs mcm2..
rs nk ngs..
x epy..
x mo mkn...n so on...
kemana hilangnye mood aku?